Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Mrs. Kamphouse’s Class         -November 28, 2017  

Thursday, December 7th- Christmas Program in the auditorium.       Arrive at 6:45 pm!
Friday, December 8th- Gingerbread House Day at 1:45
Friday, December 15th- PAC Family Movie Night
Monday, December 18th- Delayed Start
Wednesday, December 20th- Christmas Party in the afternoon
Thursday, December 21st- ½ Day- Sing-a-long and Pajama Day!
December 22-January2- Christmas Break

Last week we welcomed Emily to our classroom!  The children are excited and have been very helpful to her!
Andrew (AJ) is our Student of the Week this week!  AJ enjoys playing baseball, helping on the farm, and taking care of his dogs.  A couple of his favorites are chicken nuggets and Scooby Doo!  AJ will turn 7 on May 27th, and he hopes to one day become a famer, and drive tractor!  J

We are planning on having a gift exchange during our Christmas party on December 20th in the afternoon.  We are asking that the girls bring a $3-5 gift for a girl, and the boys bring the same for a boy.  Please send the gift to school wrapped and labeled To: A Girl/Boy From: Your Child’s Name.  These may be sent to school the anytime between December 11th-20th. Let me know if you are not able to send a gift!  We will figure it out! J

Mrs. Rozeveld’s (a 2nd grade teacher here) one year old daughter, Millie, has been undergoing treatment for cancer.  She is currently at the DeVos Children’s Hospital.  The family has a lot of expenses.  The students of McBain Elementary are going to get involved and help the family with some of their expenses for the next 3 weeks!  Students are asked to bring in their extra change-coins or bills- to collect for the family!  This project works well with our elementary theme of cooperation and kindness.  Thank you for your support!


You will find a slip of paper with your child’s Splash Math username and password on it.  You are welcome to have them work on this site at home!

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Mrs. Kamphouse’s Class         -November 2, 2017  

-Friday, November 3rdReport Cards Home
-Monday, November 6thBuy at the Book Fair
-Thursday, November 9th1/2 DayParent Teacher Conferences from 1:00-8:00
-Friday, November 10th1/2 Day
-Wednesday, November 15thNo SchoolDeer Day
-Thursday & Friday, November 29th & 30th- No School- Thanksgiving Break

BOOK FAIR: Today we visited the Book Fair.  You will see that your child has a wish list of the books they would love to own!  You are in no way obligated to purchase any of the books off of their wish list.  However, please know that the money will be used to go toward our school’s PTO fund.  This fund is used for many things, such as field trips, school activities, and etc.  I am happy to buy the items privately and get the books to you without your child knowing.  Perhaps this way they could have a book as part of their birthday or Christmas gift.  Just let me know! J

P/T CONFERENCES: Please send the orange slip back to me ASAP so that I am able to schedule conferences accordingly!  Let me know if the time DOES NOT work for you!  We can make other arrangements!

LABELS: Keep the labels coming!  These are also used the fund the PTO account!

DOJO: Just a heads up!! When you message, me I am the ONLY person that can see the message!  I am able to message all of you at once, some of you, or one of you; however, you are only able to message me! J

The Parent Action Committee is hosting a family movie night on the night of November the 3rd from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.  There will be more info to come!


Emelia is our Student of the Week this week!  Emelia will turn 7 on July 20th.  She enjoys staying in hotels, getting toys from her grandparents, and the movie Teen Beach 2.  Emelia’s favorite foods are pineapple and chocolate.  Yumgreat combination!  Emelia hopes to one day become a veterinarian and she would also like to make her own TV show! J