Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Mrs. Kamphouse’s Class         -December 11, 2017  
Friday, December 15th- PAC Family Movie Night
Monday, December 18th- Delayed Start
Wednesday, December 20th- Christmas Party in the afternoon
Thursday, December 21st- ½ Day- Sing-a-long and Pajama Day!
December 22-January2- Christmas Break

Tanner was our Student of the Week last week! J

Levi is our Student of the Week this week!  Levi loves to go to the farm with his dad, and ride his bike!  He also enjoys eating raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, potatoes, brownies, cookies, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Levi would like to be a farmer one day, and learn to read more! J

The children had a great time decorating their gingerbread houses!  They went straight to work, and finished quickly this year! Thank you to all that joined us! 

The children did a beautiful job singing out at their program! I love Christmas and the joy that He brings, especially to little ones. J

We are planning on having a gift exchange during our Christmas party on December 20th in the afternoon.  We are asking that the girls bring a $3-5 gift for a girl, and the boys bring the same for a boy.  Please send the gift to school wrapped and labeled To: A Girl/Boy From: Your Child’s Name.  These may be sent to school the anytime between December 11th-20th. Let me know if you are not able to send a gift!  We will figure it out! J

We will continue to collect coins until Friday!

Dear Parents:

Our class will celebrate the Christmas holiday with a classroom party on Wednesday afternoon, December 20th.
We will play games, have some refreshments, and have a gift exchange.  If you wish to have your child participate in the gift exchange, please send in a gift for a boy if your child is a boy or a gift for a girl if your child is a girl.  The gift should be in the price range of $3.00-$5.00 and may be sent to school anytime!
Some gift suggestions might be:  art supplies, notepads, play doh, books, puzzles, children’s card games, marker boards, crafts, small toys, etc.
The tag on the gift should read
“To:  A (boy or girl)” and “From: (your child’s name). 
Thank You!   Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Kamphouse